
Medium and low-voltage Switchgear

Medium and low-voltage Switchgear

The industrial sector has very high energy requirements. For this reason industrial companys often purchase medium voltage energy from their power supplier. We plan, construct and install transformation and switchgear systems according to an optimal concept individually developed by us in consultation with the customer. Every company has different requirements and therefore we implement the solution that makes the best sense in terms of cost-effectiveness and safety.

Large industrial companies are extremely dependent on an undisturbed energy supply. In order to keep it as constant and fail-safe as possible, a well thought-out and perfectly implemented energy concept is essential to ensure a smooth and highly fail-safe process.

What is a medium-voltage switch gear

Medium-voltage systems and transformers are used to transform high energy (medium voltage) down to the voltage levels required in industry. The transformed energy is then distributed via low-voltage switchgear within the company.

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